Subscriptions & Information

Subscriptions and Caps 2024 - 2025 Season


Subscriptions including meet information, sticker and text alerts.

Farmer (over whose land we hunt)
7 Day – 7 day tickets, not transferable
Intermediates (age 26-30 on 1st November)
Associates (age 17-25 on 1st November)
Farmers’ Children
Point-to-point (apply to secretaries)

Adults/Farmers only – if two in family subscribe, they pay 1 ½ of full subscription.

Field money payable with subscriptions

Adult/7 Day/Intermediate per day
Adult/7 Day/Intermediate per season
£200 (£140 7 Day or £200 with 7 Day including autumn hunting)
Associate per day
Associate per season
Child per day
Child per season

Day Caps

Autumn hunting adult/intermediate/associate
Autumn hunting child

Autumn hunting:

Autumn hunting FREE for all other paid up subscribers except 7 Day where autumn hunting free if season field money of £200 paid

Only 3 day caps allowed in a season – to hunt more than 3 days November to March a subscription is required

Car subscription

Newcomers: If you are a newcomer to hunting, please contact Mrs Karen Silcock for information.

Children: Children under 14 years old and mounted must be accompanied by a mounted adult, arranged in advance by parent/guardian.

Insurance: The joint masters require that all followers have third party insurance covering them whilst hunting and expect all subscribers to be members of the Countryside Alliance.

Paying subscriptions: Please email or contact Mrs Penny Fortescue (07710 241888) for payment details, bank transfer or cheque preferred – adults (full, 7 day and farmers), intermediates, associates and car subscribers to send current Countryside Alliance membership number (intermediates, associates and children also to send date of birth).

Subscriptions are due on or before 1 September 2024.

Point to Point: please enquire of secretaries at start of season for details if requiring rider certificates or seeking to qualify horses.

Filming out hunting: please note the joint masters do not permit the taking and publication of any video footage of the Fitzwilliam (Milton) Hunt unless permission is first obtained, which will be at the sole discretion of the joint masters.

Don’t forget you are welcome mounted or on bicycles, or on foot.

Events & Information

We don’t only go hunting, we also have our point to point, our show and garden open day and other events, and even our own for sale and wanted page. For more details, click on the links to the Facebook pages below, or contact the Hunt Secretaries via the contact details on the Contacts page