Newcomers to Hunting

We are always pleased to welcome new people to our Hunt, whether you want to follow on a horse, on a bicycle or by car/on foot. If following unmounted, there is no set charge, but donations are always welcome and can be given to the secretary on duty on the day.

We run some special meets designed to introduce newcomers to hunting and details will be found on our website as and when arranged. However, you are welcome to come out at “normal” meets, and we will be pleased to advise you on suitable meets to start with and make sure there are experienced people on hand to give you guidance and support.

If you don’t mind very early morning starts, autumn hunting (September and October) can provide a good introduction to newcomer horses and riders, as it tends to be less fast-paced than our main season (November to March). However, whilst there is always scope for some fast work and jumping in the main season, if you want to take things a little more quietly to begin with, we can try to team you up with the right people to achieve this.

Autumn hunting is charged at the same rate for a newcomer as for a regular follower (currently Adults £30 per morning and Children £15) but for your first day’s hunting in the main season we have a special deal, you pay your day cap on your first day (varying prices depending on age) and we give you a ticket for a second day free. The tickets are not transferable, and should be given to the secretary on duty on your second day.

It is very helpful to the hunt secretaries if cap or field money required is prepared in advance and handed over in an envelope with you name on the front, the amount enclosed and your age if you are 25 or under.

Safety and insurance: The Masters require that everyone who hunts mounted has specific third party insurance to cover their liability whilst doing so, and encourage all car and foot followers to consider this and check their arrangements and ensure they are adequate.

Third party insurance to cover you whilst engaging in hunting and other field sports is included in membership of the Countryside Alliance, all subscribers are required to be members, and all followers are strongly encouraged to join to support the Alliance in its pursuit of our interests.

Mounted followers may make their own decisions about whether they wish to use modern safety hats and body protectors and air jackets. We ask that silks or covers on skulls are black or dark navy, and likewise that body protectors and air jackets are in dark colours. Smart dress for mounted followers in line with tradition is an important mark of respect to the landowners, farmers and others who enable us to continue our sport.

We have produced a short guide for newcomers just click on the link FITZWILLIAM NEWCOMERS GUIDE

If you are a newcomer and would like to enquire about hunting with us, please contact Karen Silcock – her details are on the Contacts page.

Events & Information

We don’t only go hunting, we also have our point to point, our show and garden open day and other events, and even our own for sale and wanted page. For more details, click on the links to the Facebook pages below, or contact the Hunt Secretaries via the contact details on the Contacts page